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// ВНИМАНИЕ! Внося изменения в код, не забывайте обновлять справку на странице [[Википедия:Викификатор]] /* <pre> */ var txt; var wmFullText = 'Wikificator will process ALL text on this page. Continue?'; var wmCantWork = 'Wikificator cannot work in your browser'; var wmWontWork = 'Wikificator will not work in Netscape 4.x and less'; var wmCategoryNS = 'Категория'; /* мешает var wmTemplateNS = 'Шаблон'; var wmUserNS = 'Участник'; var wmImageNS = 'Изображение'; var wmMediaNS = 'Медиа'; */ var wmLocaleNS = new Array ( wmCategoryNS /*, wmTemplateNS, wmUserNS, wmImageNS, wmMediaNS */ ); var wmEnNS = new Array ( 'category' /*, 'template', 'user', 'image', 'media' */); if (window.event){ document.onkeypress = pressed; } function pressed() //On Ctrl+Enter (MSIE) {key = window.event.keyCode;if (key==10){Wikify();}} //====================================== function Wikify() { check_regexp(); // Check whether regular expressions are supported // Только если пользователь указал в персональном скрипте auto_comment = 1; // Раскоментировал, теперь не должно ругаться (добавил определение переменной в общий монобук) if (auto_comment == 1) { var wpS = document.editform.wpSummary; if (wpS.value != '' && wpS.value.charAt(wpS.value.length-2) != '/') { wpS.value += ', Викификатор' } else { wpS.value += 'Викификатор' } } document.editform.wpTextbox1.focus(); var txtarea = document.editform.wpTextbox1; if(document.selection && !is_gecko)/* IE */ { txt = " "+document.selection.createRange().text; if (txt == " ") {all_text();} // If nothing was selected; else{ Process(); txt = txt.substr (1, txt.length-1); document.selection.createRange().text = txt; } } else if((txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0')&&(navigator.productSub>20031000)) /*Gecko-browsers older then 10.2003*/ { var startPos = txtarea.selectionStart; var endPos = txtarea.selectionEnd; var scrollTop=txtarea.scrollTop; txt = " "+(txtarea.value).substring(startPos, endPos); if (txt == " ") {all_text();} // If nothing was selected; else{ Process(); txt = txt.substr (1, txt.length-1); txtarea.value = txtarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + txt + txtarea.value.substring(endPos, txtarea.value.length); txtarea.focus(); } } else{if (confirm(wmFullText)) {all_text();}} // Other browsers } //====================================== function all_text()// Process all text { txt = " "+document.editform.wpTextbox1.value; Process(); txt = txt.substr (1, txt.length-1); document.editform.wpTextbox1.value=txt; } //====================================== function check_regexp()// Check whether regular expressions are supported { var reg1 = "code"; reg1 = reg1.replace(/d/g, "r"); if (reg1 != "core"){alert(wmCantWork);exit;} b_ver = navigator.appVersion.substr (0, 1); if (navigator.appName=="Netscape"&&b_ver<5){alert(wmWontWork);exit;} return ; } function Process() // We have 2 more pairs of safe chars in \x1E — \x1F ! { if (wgNamespaceNumber % 2 || wgNamespaceNumber==4) { var sigs = txt.match(/\d\d:\d\d, \d\d? \S{3,9} 20\d\d \(UTC\)/g); if (sigs && sigs.length > 1) if (!confirm('Пожалуйста, не обрабатывайте Викификатором реплики других участников. Вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?')) return; } //var nowiki = ReplaceElements( '\<math\>(.|\r|\n)+?\<\/math\>, "\x03", "\x04" ); //That variant will make ReplaceTags() function unnecessary, but it's so ugly... var nowiki = ReplaceTags( 'nowiki', "\x03", "\x04" ); var pre = ReplaceTags( 'pre', "\x12", "\x13" ); var code = ReplaceTags( 'code', "\x1c", "\x1d" ); var math = ReplaceTags( 'math', "\x05", "\x06" ); var gallery = ReplaceTags( 'gallery', "\x14", "\x15" ); var source = ReplaceTags( 'source', "\x1E", "\x1F" ); // Exclude lines starting with space f_space = txt.substr (0, 1) txt = txt.substr (1, txt.length-1) var sp_lines = ReplaceElements( "^( )(.+)$", "\x16", "\x17" ); txt = f_space + txt ProcessNS( wmEnNS , wmLocaleNS ); CorrectRanges(); // Exclude templates and internal links var templates = ReplaceElements( "\\{\\{(.|\\r|\\n)+?\\}\\}", "\x18", "\x19" ); var links = ReplaceElements( "(\\[\\[)(.*?)(\\||\\]\\])", "\x10", "\x11" ); var ext_links = ReplaceElements( "\\[(http|https|ftp|tftp|news|nntp|telnet|irc|gopher)://(.*?)\\]", "\x1A", "\x1B"); HTML2Wiki(); // Exclude tags and tag attributes (all text in quotes after "=" sign) var attrs = ReplaceElements( '(=)(\\s?)(\\' + '")(.*?)(\\")', "\x0E", "\x0F"); var tags = ReplaceElements( "<([^>]*?)>", "\x01", "\x02"); ProcessTypography(); ProcessTypography(); // Second call RestoreElements( tags, "\x01", "\x02"); RestoreElements( attrs, "\x0E", "\x0F"); RestoreElements( ext_links, "\x1A", "\x1B" ); RestoreElements( links, "\x10", "\x11" ); RestoreElements( templates, "\x18", "\x19" ); RestoreElements( sp_lines, "\x16", "\x17" ); RestoreElements( gallery, "\x14", "\x15" ); RestoreElements( math, "\x05", "\x06" ); RestoreElements( code, "\x1c", "\x1d" ); RestoreElements( pre, "\x12", "\x13" ); RestoreElements( nowiki, "\x03", "\x04" ); RestoreElements( source, "\x1E", "\x1F" ); } function HTML2Wiki() { // Replace <b>, <strong> tags with ''' and <i>, <em> with '' txt = txt.replace(/\<\/?(b|strong)\>/gim, "\'\'\'") txt = txt.replace(/\<\/?(i|em)\>/gim, "\'\'") // Replace <hr> tag with ----, improve <hr> and <br> tags txt = txt.replace(/\<hr ?\/?\>/gi, "----") txt = txt.replace(/\<hr ([^\>\/]+?) ?\/?\>/gi, "<hr $1 />") txt = txt.replace(/\<br\/?\>/gi, "<br />") txt = txt.replace(/\<br ([^\>\/]+?) ?\/?\>/gi, "<br $1 />") // Replace small and big tags with inline styling /// txt = txt.replace(/(\<small\>)/g, "<span style=\"font-size\:smaller\;\">"); /// txt = txt.replace(/(\<\/small\>)/g, "<\/span>"); /// txt = txt.replace(/(\<big\>)/g, "<span style=\"font-size\:1.25em\;\">"); /// txt = txt.replace(/(\<\/big\>)/g, "<\/span>"); } // Process default namespaces function ProcessNS( En_NS_List , Loc_NS_List ) { for (i=0; i < En_NS_List.length; i++) { //alert("(\\[\\[)(:?)(" + En_NS_List[i] + "|" + //Loc_NS_List[i] + ")(:)( *)"); txt = txt.replace( new RegExp( "(\\[\\[:?)(" + En_NS_List[i] + "|" + Loc_NS_List[i] + "):( *)" , "gi" ), "$1" + Loc_NS_List[i] + ":"); } } //====================================== // Replace '<replaced_tag> ... </replaced_tag>' (<nowiki> <br/> </nowiki>) // with 'opepening_char + tag's counter + closing_char' ('\x03'+1'+'\x04') //====================================== function ReplaceTags(replaced_tag, op_char, cl_char ) // @replaced_tag - tag to be replaced // @op_char, @cl_char (opening & closing chars) - "Safe" pair of // unicode unprintable characters, that will be used in replacement { var counter = 0; //tags counter // RegExp pattern var pattern = "\\<" + replaced_tag + "\\>(.|\r|\n)+?\<\\/" + replaced_tag + "\\>"; // RegExp template to be replaced (multiline text between // <replaced_tag> and </replaced_tag> case sensitive tags) var replaced_regexp = new RegExp(pattern , "im") // Buffer for replaced matches storage. It's array of matching substrings - // multiline text between <replaced_tag> and </replaced_tag> case sensitive tags () matches_buffer = txt.match( new RegExp(pattern , "gim") ); // while some substring of txt matches replaced_regexp... while (replaced_regexp.test(txt)) { txt = txt.replace(replaced_regexp, op_char + ++counter + cl_char ); } return matches_buffer; } //====================================== // Replace '<replaced_tag> ... </replaced_tag>' (<nowiki> <br/> </nowiki>) // with 'opepening_char + tag's counter + closing_char' ('\x03'+1'+'\x04') //====================================== function ReplaceElements( req_exp, op_char, cl_char ) // @req_exp - reqular expression to be replaced // @op_char, @cl_char (opening & closing chars) - "Safe" pair of // unicode unprintable characters, that will be used in replacement { var counter = 0; //tags counter // RegExp template to be replaced (multiline, case sensitive) var replaced_regexp = new RegExp( req_exp , "m" ) // Buffer for replaced matches storage. It's array of matching substrings. // (multiline, case sensitive, global) matches_buffer = txt.match( new RegExp( req_exp , "gm" ) ); // while some substring of txt matches replaced_regexp... while (replaced_regexp.test(txt)) { //alert(txt.match(replaced_regexp)); txt = txt.replace(replaced_regexp, op_char + ++counter + cl_char ); } return matches_buffer; } //====================================== // Restore text, that was damaged by replacing 3 chars with substring from array //====================================== function RestoreElements( replaced_buffer, op_char, cl_char ) // @replaced_buffer - array of replaced substrings. // @op_char, @cl_char (opening & closing chars) - "Safe" pair // to be replaced with <replaced_tag> and </replaced_tag> accordingly { var counter = 0; //tags counter // RegExp template to be replaced (3 chars: tag's counter // surrunded by "Safe" pair) var replaced_regexp = new RegExp("\\" +op_char+ "([0-9]*)\\" +cl_char ); //replaced_regexp = /\x03([0-9]*)\x04/ // while some substring of txt matches replaced_regexp... while (replaced_regexp.test(txt)) { txt = txt.replace(replaced_regexp, replaced_buffer[counter++]); } return txt; } // Corrects year and century ranges (as links) in text function CorrectRanges() { // Correct year ranges txt = txt.replace(/(?!ISBN)(\(|\s)(\[\[[12]?\d{3}\]\])[\u00A0 ]?(-|--|–|—) ?(\[\[[12]?\d{3}\]\])(\W)/g, "$1$2—$4$5") txt = txt.replace(/(\[\[[12]?\d{3}\]\]) ?(г\.|гг\.)/g, "$1\u00A0$2") // Correct century ranges txt = txt.replace(/(\(|\s)(\[\[[IVX]{1,5}\]\])[\u00A0 ]?(-|--|–|—) ?(\[\[[IVX]{1,5}\]\])(\W)/g, "$1$2—$4$5") txt = txt.replace(/(\[\[[IVX]{1,5}\]\]) ?(в\.|вв\.)/g, "$1\u00A0$2") } /*************************************************** Typographical considerations ***************************************************/ function ProcessTypography() { // Insert spaces in titles txt = txt.replace(/^(=+)([ \t\f\v]*)(.*?)([ \t\f\v]*)(=+)$/gm, "$1 $3 $1") //====================================== // Use 1 character to display squaring and cubing txt = txt.replace(/(<sup>2<\/sup>|²)/g, "²"); txt = txt.replace(/(<sup>3<\/sup>|³)/g, "³"); txt = txt.replace(/(\^2)(\D)/g, "²$2"); txt = txt.replace(/(\^3)(\D)/g, "³$2"); //====================================== // Replace right HTML symbols with wrong ones in order to process everything txt = txt.replace(/–/g, "-") txt = txt.replace(/(«|»|“|”|„|\&((la|ra|bd|ld)quo|#132|#147|#148|quot);)/g, "\"") //====================================== // Replace double hyphen with a dash txt = txt.replace(/(--)(\[\[Участник|\~\~\~)/g, "—$2") //====================================== // Replace set of 'less then' or 'greater then' symbols (<< or >>) with usual double quotes txt = txt.replace(/(<<)(\S.+\S)(>>)/g, "\"$2\"") //====================================== // Process degree sign "°", "+-" and "~=" txt = txt.replace(/(\+[--])|(±)/g, "±") txt = txt.replace(/(~=)/g, "≈") txt = txt.replace(/\°/g, "°") txt = txt.replace(/([ =≈≠≤≥<>("'|]|^)([+±−\-]?\d+?(?:[.,]\d+?)?)(([ °^*]| [°^*])[CС])(?=[ "').,;!?|]|$)/gm, "$1$2\u00A0°C") txt = txt.replace(/([ =≈≠≤≥<>("'|]|^)([+±−\-]?\d+?(?:[.,]\d+?)?)(([ °^*]| [°^*])F)(?=[ "').,;|!?]|$)/gm, "$1$2\u00A0°F") //====================================== // Replace "...", "…" and "…" with ellipsis txt = txt.replace(/(\.{3}|\&(hellip|#133);)/g, '…') // Apostrophe handler txt = txt.replace(/([\wа-яА-ЯёЁ])'([\wа-яА-ЯёЁ])/g, "$1’$2") // Minus handler txt = txt.replace(/(sup\>|sub\>|\s)-(\d)/g, "$1−$2") //====================================== // Replace hyphens and en dashes with normal dashes txt = txt.replace(/\&(#151|[nm]dash);/g, "—") txt = txt.replace(/( |[\f\n\r\t\v\u00A0\u2028\u2029])(-|--|–) /g, "$1— ") txt = txt.replace(/(\d)--(\d)/g, "$1—$2") // Insert non-breaking space before dashes txt = txt.replace(/(\S) (-|--|–|—) (\S)/g, "$1\u00A0— $3") //====================================== // Special characters: ©, ®, ™, §, €, ¥ и £. txt = txt.replace(/\©/gi, "©") txt = txt.replace(/\®/gi, "®") txt = txt.replace(/(\((tm|тм)\)|\™)/gi, "™") txt = txt.replace(/\§/gi, "§") txt = txt.replace (/\€/gi, "€") txt = txt.replace (/\¥/gi, "¥") txt = txt.replace (/\£/gi, "£") //====================================== // Correct year ranges txt = txt.replace(/(\(|\s)([12]?\d{3})[\u00A0 ]?(-|--|–|—) ?([12]?\d{3})(\W)/g, "$1$2—$4$5") txt = txt.replace(/([12]?\d{3}) ?(г\.|гг\.)/g, "$1\u00A0$2") // Correct century ranges txt = txt.replace(/(\(|\s)([IVX]{1,5})[\u00A0 ]?(-|--|–|—) ?([IVX]{1,5})(\W)/g, "$1$2—$4$5") txt = txt.replace(/([IVX]{1,5}) ?(в\.|вв\.)/g, "$1\u00A0$2") // Correct the reductions txt = txt.replace(/(Т|т)\. ?е\./g, "$1о есть") txt = txt.replace(/(Т|т)\. ?к\./g, "$1ак как") txt = txt.replace(/(В|в) т\. ?ч\./g, "$1 том числе") txt = txt.replace(/и т\. ?д\./g, "и\u00A0т\.\u00A0д\.") txt = txt.replace(/и т\. ?п\./g, "и\u00A0т\.\u00A0п\.") txt = txt.replace(/(Т|т)\. ?н\./g, "$1\.\u00A0н\.") txt = txt.replace(/н\. ?э\./g, "н\.\u00A0э\.") txt = txt.replace(/(Д|д)(о|\.) н\. ?э\./g, "$1о\u00A0н\.\u00A0э\.") txt = txt.replace(/(\d) ?(млн|млрд|трлн|(?:м|с|д|к)?м|[км]?г|с)\.?( ([^\.А-ЯЁ])|[,;.])(?!\[.*?\|[А-Я].*?\])/g, "$1\u00A0$2$3") txt = txt.replace(/(\d) (тыс)([^\.А-Яа-яЁё])/g, "$1\u00A0$2.$3") //txt = txt.replace(/(\d) (млн|млрд|трлн)([^А-Яа-яЁё])/g, "$1\u00A0$2$3") // Insert missing and delete unnecessary spaces txt = txt.replace(/([А-Я]\.) ?([А-Я]\.) ?([А-Я][а-я])/g, "$1\u00A0$2\u00A0$3") txt = txt.replace(/([А-Я]\.)([А-Я]\.)/g, "$1 $2") txt = txt.replace(/^([#\*:]+)([ \t\f\v]*)([^ \t\f\v\*#:])/gm, "$1 $3") txt = txt.replace(/([а-я])(\.)([А-ЯA-Z])/g, "$1$2 $3") txt = txt.replace(/([а-яa-z\)\»\“\"\]])(\s*)(\,)([а-яa-z\(\«\„\"\[])/g, "$1$3 $4") txt = txt.replace(/([а-яa-z\)\»\“\"\]])(\s)([\,\;])(\s)([а-яa-z\(\«\„\"\[])/g, "$1$3 $5") txt = txt.replace(/([^%\/\w]\d+?(?:[.,]\d+?)?) ?([%‰])(?!-[А-Яа-яЁё])/g, "$1\u00A0$2") txt = txt.replace(/(\d) ([%‰])(?=-[А-Яа-яЁё])/g, "$1$2") txt = txt.replace(/([№§])(\s*)(\d)/g, "$1\u00A0$3") txt = txt.replace(/(^|[^ \t])([ \t]+)($|\n)/gm, "$1$3") txt = txt.replace(/(\()( +)/g, "$1"); txt = txt.replace(/( +)(\))/g, "$2"); //====================================== // Avoid double spaces txt = txt.substr (1, txt.length-1); txt = txt.replace(/(\S)([ \t]{2,})([\S\r])/g, "$1 $3") txt = " " + txt //====================================== // Replace double quotes ("") with double angle quotes («») txt = txt.replace(/([\x01-(\s\|\"]|\/|\+)(\")([^\"]{0,})([^\s\"(\|])(\")/g, "$1«\$3\$4»") // Quotations in quotes if (/"/.test(txt)) { txt = txt.replace(/([\x01(\s\"])(\")([^\"]{0,})([^\s\"(\|])(\")/g, "\$1«\$3\$4»") while (/(«)([^»]*)(«)/.test(txt)) txt = txt.replace(/(«)([^»]*)(«)([^»]*)(»)/g, "\$1\$2„\$4“") } } /* </pre> */